Opinions from the Field

We come across all sorts of interesting people, problems and solutions in the field. We would like to share our findings with you.
  • Transforming the Agency Model: The Rise of Onshore Subscription-Based Software and Web Development on Long Island, NY

    By: Alfred Indigo2024-06-14

    Discover why an onshore, subscription-based software and web development agency on Long Island, NY, outperforms traditional models. Learn how predictable revenue, client retention, and flexibility drive success in tough economic times.

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  • The Benefits of Running an Entirely Onshore Agency on Long Island, NY

    By: Alfred Indigo2024-06-14

    Discover the advantages of an onshore, subscription-based software and web development agency on Long Island, NY. Learn how this model ensures steady revenue, customer loyalty, and resilience against economic downturns, unlike traditional big-budget agencies.

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  • Forward To Extraordinary… Continuously

    By: Justin Abrams2024-05-10

    There is a certain irony in building other peoples dreams. You never know who the next dreamer to walk through your doors is going to be.

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  • The Age of Artificial Intelligence, Powered by Human Intelligence

    By: Justin Abrams2024-05-10

    The Age of Artificial Intelligence, Powered by Human Intelligence. Think about that for a moment. Artificial Intelligence, powered by human intelligence. There is a symbiosis there. When a business thinks about applying AI to their motion, it begins with curiosity.

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  • Beyond The MVP and Exploring Minimum Marketable, Buyable, Sellable, and Launchable Products

    By: Justin Abrams2024-03-19

    Everyone has heard of the Minimum Viable Product. But have you heard of the Minimum Marketable Product, or Minimum Buyable Product, or Minimum Sellable Product, or perhaps the Minimum Launchable Product? Don't worry, neither did I.

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  • The Impact of Fractional Executives on Businesses at Various Growth Stages

    By: Justin Abrams2023-12-29

    Explore the transformative impact of fractional executives on business growth at various stages. Learn how roles like fractional CEO, CMO, CFO, and CTO can drive success in this insightful blog post.

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  • A Guide to Project Management Tools for Engineering Teams

    By: Justin Abrams2023-11-29

    Explore the best project management tools for engineering teams in our comprehensive guide. Compare Jira, Trello, Asana, Basecamp, and Monday.com to find the perfect solution for your project needs. Discover pros, cons, and use cases to enhance team efficiency and project success.

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  • An AI Guide for Main Street Businesses

    By: Justin Abrams2023-11-28

    Explore how Main Street businesses can leverage AI to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and add value to customers. Learn about practical AI tools and strategies for small businesses to stay competitive in the digital era.

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  • Harnessing the Wonders of Automated Intelligence: A Guide for Roaring Twenties Businesses

    By: Justin Abrams2023-11-27

    Step into a 1920s Main Street transformed by early visions of AI: Discover how businesses of the past might have embraced futuristic technology, merging traditional charm with imaginative mechanization.

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  • Embracing Flexibility and Innovation: The Rise of Headless Ecommerce

    By: Justin Abrams2023-11-09

    Explore the dynamic world of headless ecommerce in our comprehensive guide, comparing it with traditional platforms and highlighting its benefits, challenges, and real-world examples from leading brands like Nike and Burberry. Dive into the future of digital commerce today!

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  • The Bootstrapper’s Dilemma: Navigating the Precipice of Product-Market Fit

    By: Justin Abrams2023-11-07

    Explore the critical phase before achieving product-market fit in SaaS, the importance of cash conservation, and why choosing a professional software agency can lead to startup success. Essential insights for bootstrappers.

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  • The Marketing Struggles of SaaS Companies: Bridging the Gap with AlwaysOn Website Management

    By: Justin Abrams2023-10-30

    Boost your SaaS marketing with AlwaysOn Website Management. Bridge the resource gap with dedicated developers, analytics experts, and designers. Partner for success!

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  • A Deep Dive into Astro and SvelteKit: Which is Right for You?

    By: Justin Abrams2023-10-30

    Explore the differences between Astro and SvelteKit, two leading web development frameworks. Dive into features, pros & cons, use cases, and practical examples to determine the best fit for your project. Unlock the future of efficient web development.

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  • Revolutionizing Web Development: Why Subscription Models Are the Future

    By: Michael Rispoli2023-10-24

    In the world of web design and development, marketing teams are constantly on the lookout for reliable, efficient, and cost-effective solutions. Traditional models such as retainers or time and materials have long been the norm, but there's a new player in town that's garnering attention: the subscription model. Specifically tailored for marketing teams grappling with the challenges of building out ecommerce or informational websites, this model offers a myriad of benefits that are hard to ignore. Let's dive in and explore why a subscription model could be what your team has been searching for.

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  • Unlocking New Frontiers: Why SaaS Companies Should Migrate from Drag-and-Drop to a Headless CMS

    By: Michael Rispoli2023-10-20

    In the dynamic arena of SaaS marketing, staying ahead is not just about capturing attention but sustaining engagement. As the digital terrain shifts beneath our feet, there's an emerging need for systems that offer more than just visual appeal — they must be robust, adaptable, and ever-evolving. Enter the transformative world of headless CMS. If you've been anchored to drag-and-drop platforms like Webflow, this article dives into why platforms like Contentful or Sanity might be the wind beneath your SaaS company's wings.

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  • Fundraising for a Pre-Revenue, Post-User Adoption SaaS Platform

    By: Justin Abrams2023-10-20

    Explore strategies for SaaS startups in the unique position of being pre-revenue but post-user adoption. Dive into crafting narratives, showcasing metrics, and diversifying fundraising avenues to attract early-stage investments.

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  • Adopting Artificial Intelligence for Interior Designers, Builders, and Architects

    By: Justin Abrams2023-10-19

    Explore the transformative impact of AI on architecture and interior design. Dive into practical insights and actionable tips for professionals to seamlessly integrate AI tools into their design practices, driving innovation and efficiency.

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  • Revolutionize Your Startup Journey with Cause of a Kind's Agile Accelerator Program

    By: Justin Abrams2023-10-17

    Discover a game-changing approach to launching your startup in just 12 weeks or less. Explore our customizable, agile Startup Accelerator program at Cause of a Kind, designed to fit your unique needs for speed and spend.

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  • Heroku vs. Vercel: A Deep Dive into Deployment Platforms

    By: Justin Abrams2023-10-12

    Explore a comprehensive comparison of Heroku vs. Vercel for deployment needs. Dive into their features, pros and cons, and real-world use cases. Find out which platform aligns best with your project requirements.

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  • Pre-Money Valuation vs. Post-Money Valuation: What's the Difference?

    By: Justin Abrams2023-10-12

    When navigating the world of startup finance and investment, two crucial terms are frequently thrown around: **pre-money valuation** and **post-money valuation**. These concepts are fundamental for founders, investors, and anyone involved in the startup ecosystem. Let's delve deep into what they mean, their significance, and how they impact startups and investments.

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  • Sigh. Another Pitch Deck Blunder? Top Mistakes SaaS Newbies Make!

    By: Justin Abrams2023-10-10

    Dive into common pitch deck mistakes SaaS startups make and how to avoid them. Ensure your pitch stands out—for all the right reasons. Read on!

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  • How to Price a Project

    By: Michael Rispoli2023-09-29

    Pricing out a software project is the great boogeyman of the industry. On the one hand you have the clients or stakeholders, who are largely non-technical, that are trying to get something built and budget for it. At the other end, you have the developers and the agile gurus shouting that estimates are trash and we can never know how long something will take. So then how the heck does anything actually get done?

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  • From Green to Glory: The Parallels Between Golf and Tech Startup Success

    By: Justin Abrams2023-09-26

    Crafting a successful tech startup mirrors the finesse and strategic gameplay of golf. The journey from bootstrapping to success is laden with the precision, patience, and technique similar to maneuvering a golf ball through the courses to the final hole.

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  • Conquering Peaks: The Ascent from Bootstrapping to Glory in the Tech World

    By: Justin Abrams2023-09-26

    In the exhilarating realm of entrepreneurship, building a tech startup is akin to mountaineering. From setting out on an uncharted path with bootstrapping to reaching the summit of success, the journey is filled with trials, learnings, and triumphs.

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  • Mastering the Tennis Match of Entrepreneurship: A Journey from Bootstrapping to Glory in the Tech Arena

    By: Justin Abrams2023-09-26

    In the vibrant world of entrepreneurship, establishing a tech startup resembles a game of tennis – navigating the business landscape from bootstrapping to attaining remarkable success is akin to playing skillful shots in a competitive match.

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  • Riding the Waves of Entrepreneurship: A Journey from Bootstrapping to Glory in the Tech World

    By: Justin Abrams2023-09-26

    In the thrilling world of entrepreneurship, starting a tech startup can be likened to surfing – mastering the tides of the business ecosystem, from bootstrapping to achieving monumental success, is akin to conquering the unpredictable waves of the ocean.

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  • How to Successfully Bootstrap your Tech Startup

    By: Justin Abrams2023-09-25

    Explore the ins and outs of bootstrapping for startups. Weigh the pros and cons, understand its significance, and discover strategies for effective self-funding.

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  • Navigating a New Horizon: A Mid-Career Pivot to Tech Entrepreneurship

    By: Justin Abrams2023-09-22

    Explore tech startup essentials for experienced professionals. Navigate through key steps & challenges with strategies in adaptability, customer focus, & leveraging knowledge. Acquire skills to secure funding & build resilience in the innovative, rapid-paced startup realm.

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  • Charting New Horizons: Baby Boomers in the Tech Startup Scene

    By: Justin Abrams2023-09-20

    Discover the powerful fusion of baby boomers' seasoned wisdom with tech innovation, as they redefine entrepreneurship in the digital age.

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  • Bootstrapping a Tech Startup: The Baby Boomer's Next Chapter

    By: Justin Abrams2023-09-20

    For baby boomers, tech entrepreneurship isn't a sunset venture but a sunrise opportunity. Dive into the compelling journey of seasoned professionals breaking barriers in the tech world!

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  • Building Startups after 50: Embracing Failures, Pivots, and the Path to Prevail

    By: Justin Abrams2023-09-14

    Discover the journey of starting tech ventures after 50. Dive deep into embracing failures, the art of pivoting, and the wisdom Baby Boomers bring to the startup realm. Learn how age and experience become assets in today's entrepreneurial landscape.

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  • When You Can't Bootstrap

    By: Michael Rispoli2023-08-02

    Bootstrapping is worn as a badge of honor these days amongst startups. But the reality is many of us have growing careers, a spouse, kids, and financial obligations that make bootstrapping seem like an option only for the young a reckless. The truth is bootstrapping isn't for everyone and there are times when it should be deployed and times when you need other options. The good news is there are options for the would-be founder with responsibilities beyond pure bootstrapping or having a rich family member write you a check.

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  • Why Iteration Velocity Matters And Why You're Still A Shitty Surfer...

    By: Michael Rispoli2023-07-26

    When it comes to building software, iteration velocity is king. The more shots you take over a shorter period of time, the faster you will get to your goals. When people hear iteration velocity, they tend to focus in on the term velocity, and parallelize it with the quantity of tickets completed in a sprint. This is the wrong way to look at things. In surfing, if we simply measure time in the water, we'll see little to no gain in our abilities. What we really want is repeated attempts at our ultimate goal, in rapid succession, over a short period of time.

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  • Five Things to Consider When Choosing a Startup CTO

    By: Michael Rispoli2023-07-06

    At Cause of a Kind, we specialize in working with non-technical founders. People with great ideas and industry expertise around the problem they are solving, but without a way to implement them. Steve Jobs had Steve Wozniak, and in order for you to to manifest your dreams, you need to find your Woz. But where to begin?

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  • Debunking the Low-Code/No-Code Myth: A Real-World Perspective from a Custom Tooling Agency

    By: Michael Rispoli2023-06-08

    We focus a lot on MVP's and custom tools for small businesses Cause of a Kind. Many people as me why we aren't embracing more no code and low code tools. For me there are a few parts to that answer and one of which involves the recent "AI revolution (and yes, I'm cringing as I write that too)."

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  • The Serverless Revolution: Transforming Startups and Cloud Solutions

    By: Alfred Indigo2023-06-07

    Explore the transformative power of serverless architecture in startups and cloud solutions. Understand why this innovative technology, offering scalability, reduced operational costs, and swift deployment, is reshaping the IT landscape. Learn about key considerations for DevOps teams to fully harness serverless benefits.

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  • Cause of a Kind: Agile Product Development

    By: Michael Rispoli2023-05-19

    Choose a unique approach to product development with Cause of a Kind. Our agile methods promote constant learning and growth. We're your partners in design and development, crafting resonating products.

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  • 0-to-Minimum Viable Software Product (MVP): The Fun, Cheeky, and Seriously Technical Guide for Founders

    By: Justin Abrams2023-05-09

    Discover the fun and cheeky, yet technically serious guide for founders on 0-to-Minimum Viable Software Product (MVP). Learn the guidelines to follow and pitfalls to avoid for successful product development.

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  • Svelte Kit: A Comprehensive Overview

    By: Alfred Indigo2023-03-02

    Svelte Kit is a performant, flexible, and beginner-friendly web app framework with built-in server-side rendering. Best for small to medium-sized projects and high-performance apps. Limitations include a smaller ecosystem and limited browser compatibility.

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  • How to Partner with a Software Development Studio

    By: Justin Abrams2023-02-28

    Partnering with a software development startup studio can be an excellent way for businesses to leverage technology to create innovative solutions that can give them a competitive edge. However, choosing the right partner can be challenging. Here is some practical advice for people looking to partner with a software development startup studio.

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  • The Iron Triangle : Cost, Quality, Speed

    By: Justin Abrams2023-02-28

    When building software, speed, and quality are crucial, but it is impossible to achieve both without considering the price. Investing in talented software developers and adopting Agile development methodologies can help achieve a balance between speed and quality. Although the cost may be high, the cost of fixing low-quality software is even higher in the long run. It is essential to invest in the development of high-quality software from the outset to ensure long-term success.

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  • What is the difference between Svelte Kit and Astro?

    By: Alfred Indigo2023-02-17

    Astro and SvelteKit are two of the most popular front-end development frameworks used to build modern web applications. Both frameworks are designed to make the development process more efficient and faster. However, there are some key differences between Astro and SvelteKit that developers need to consider before choosing one for their next project.

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  • WEEK2WEEK®️ : Agile Software for Startups

    By: Alfred Indigo2023-02-16

    Starting a startup is not easy. There are countless challenges to overcome, including attracting customers, building a team, and ensuring that your product or service is delivering the value that customers expect. One of the biggest challenges, however, is developing and launching the software that powers your startup. That's where WEEK2WEEK®️ comes in.

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  • What is the difference between React.js and Svelte?

    By: Alfred Indigo2023-02-16

    React.js and Svelte are two popular JavaScript frameworks used for building web applications. Both frameworks have their own strengths and weaknesses, and developers often choose one over the other based on their requirements. In this article, we will compare React.js and Svelte in terms of their differentiating features, shortcomings, community documentation, and future trends.

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  • How to Scale a Software Development Agency Without Hiring.

    By: Alfred Indigo2023-02-16

    Scaling a software development agency can be a tricky task, especially if you want to avoid hiring new employees. However, it is not impossible. Here are some ways to scale a software development agency without hiring new employees.

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  • Funding Options for Startups

    By: Alfred Indigo2023-02-15

    When starting a software startup, one of the biggest challenges for founders is figuring out how to fund their company. There are several different ways to finance a startup, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. In this blog post, we'll explore the differences between bootstrapped, pre-seed, and venture-funded startups, the different phases of investment that a founder should consider, and the milestones for measuring success.

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  • Comparing SvelteKit and Next.js

    By: Alfred Indigo2023-02-10

    Choosing the right developer framework for your project can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it can be difficult to decide which one will work best for your needs. Two popular frameworks that are often compared are SvelteKit and Next.js.

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  • Maximizing WordPress: A Developer's Guide to Performance, ADA & Core Web Vitals Compliance

    By: Justin Abrams2023-02-06

    A well-optimized WordPress site not only ensures better user experience and SEO rankings but also makes the web more inclusive for everyone. While the journey toward performance and compliance can seem arduous, with the right strategies and tools in hand, WordPress developers can achieve these benchmarks seamlessly.

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  • What's the Best Serverless Solution?

    By: Alfred Indigo2023-01-20

    Compare the top serverless SaaS platforms: AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, Microsoft Azure, Vercel, Heroku, Fly.io, and Digital Ocean. Uncover their unique strengths and features for your business.

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  • How To Get Started with Serverless Architecture

    By: Alfred Indigo2023-01-15

    Explore a step-by-step guide to implementing serverless architecture, offering practical insights for startups and small engineering teams. Learn how serverless can boost efficiency, limit expenses, reduce DevOps needs, and accelerate time-to-market. Step into the future of cost-effective and agile software development.

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  • A Serverless Future

    By: Alfred Indigo2023-01-12

    Discover the transformative power of serverless architecture in this enlightening blog post. Learn what 'serverless' really means, explore its key advantages such as cost-effectiveness, scalability, and speed, and understand why this technology is shaping the future of business. Embrace the tech trends of today to build a successful tomorrow.

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  • Are Frontend Frameworks Too Fast?

    By: Michael Rispoli2022-10-25

    There's been a lot of talk about performance of front ends and one metric that comes up often is how many frames per second a framework can handle. For the vast majority of us, these frameworks have been fast enough in terms of fps for the last ten years. In fact, just like my cinematography experience, I suspect we're making our applications feel unnaturally fast.

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  • Heroku Vs. Vercel : Which Cloud Service is Best for Me?

    By: Michael Rispoli2022-09-28

    I've long been a consumer of cloud service providers. I have historically used Heroku for the majority of the projects I have worked on over the years and have been pleased with their offering. New on the scene is Vercel, also a cloud hosting provider, but with a different focus. Where Heroku found success embracing the move to cloud based servers and building a solid platform on top of it that was easy to use, Vercel has done the same with a focus on the shift to serverless and edge computing. So which should you choose? As with anything in engineering, it depends.

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  • The Expanding Potential of a Virtual Reality Future

    By: Anthony Iritano2022-08-31

    Virtual reality is the next big thing in the world of gaming and entertainment but its use cases far exceed the limits of your traditional gaming console. VR has been around for decades and has been used in the military, education and entertainment industries. Recently, it has become more mainstream thanks to the introduction of affordable headsets like the Meta Quest 2 which provides a top notch VR experience completely wireless and without the need to connect to a high powered computer. This mainstream adoption has led to a large expansion in VR software and has brought us one step closer to the true potential of this technology.

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  • Is there a basic explanation of Web3 somewhere for my mom?

    By: Michael Rispoli2022-08-30

    There isn't, but there should be! 💡 Blockchain is a tool for building Web3, which to me simply means the internet of value (owning digital things). But that also means blockchain need not be a part of that equation at all.

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  • What is the best way to use a headless CMS?

    By: Michael Rispoli2022-08-30

    With headless content management systems, designers and developers are given incredible power and flexibility. Power we never had with the monolithic solutions of the past like Wordpress, Drupal, Shopify, or Magento. The problem is that with great power and flexibility, comes great complexity. We spend a lot of time and energy on the design of our interfaces for customers. Yet, we think very little about the user experience of the back end systems that go into this.

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  • On Building Bad Ideas

    By: Michael Rispoli2022-08-22

    As an agency owner, I'm the guy that has to pretend to like your bad ideas. I've heard all ranges of bad ideas. I've listened to a guy trying to sell jarred air from different parts of the world. I've entertained building a play to earn game described as "a total Ponzi Scheme." Some days I hear so many bad ideas I want to hang it all up and close my laptop for good. I'll move the whole family into a Yurt in the woods--never to look at another glowing screen again.

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  • The Cure for Client Anxiety

    By: Michael Rispoli2022-08-19

    Client anxiety, we all know the signs. It starts with emails every few days to check in on progress. They start benign at first. A new idea about a feature, a nice to have here, something they forgot to tell you about a customer there.

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  • High Pressure Delivery

    By: Michael Rispoli2022-08-15

    When it came to becoming a software engineer, I fell in love with how intellectually stimulating and downright demanding it is on the brain. However, most of the time, the job is devoid of excitement. Sure there are those crazy bugs that come up a few times a year, but the day to day goes by at your resting heart rate. It's far from boring, but it's not exciting.

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  • The 4 R's: Retention, Return, Retarget, Referral

    By: Justin Abrams2022-06-13

    Building software at the intersection of Marketing and Technology is always a tricky conversation with non-technical stakeholders. With the correct approach, we connect to business KPI's and ensure that the software or web solution accommodates the business goals.

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  • Are CEO's Commanding Lofty Salaries?

    By: Justin Abrams2022-05-27

    Cause of a Kind's CEO, Justin Abrams connects with KNXnews 97.1 Los Angeles FM Radio to discuss CEOs that are getting way bigger raises than regular workers. Justin rationalizes and offers a contrast to this common business practice.

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  • Guitarists, Drummers, and Javascript Developers

    By: Michael Rispoli2022-05-10

    Today I'd like to talk about javascript, why it's great, and how it relates to guitarists vs. drummers...

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  • Why Developers Need to Understand the Business

    By: Michael Rispoli2022-05-04

    I've had many engineers come to me asking for better specifications over the years. The specs are too vague or the design didn't account for certain states. Sometimes it's the client asking why the developer didn't "just do this." Sound familiar?

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  • Getting Down to the Purpose of Code Review

    By: Michael Rispoli2022-04-27

    Code reviews have always been a struggle at agencies. Most specifically because sometimes there aren't two people working on the same project. Who gives the review? We decided to change our approach to code reviews as well as re-thinking their true purpose...

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  • Misunderstanding Tech Debt

    By: Michael Rispoli2022-04-26

    A few years ago, a hiring manager asked me what my definition of tech debt was. I gave what I thought was a perfect answer, the hiring manager nodded and smiled, jotted a few notes and moved on. I have since learned that I was dead wrong.

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  • The Tension of Design and Development

    By: Michael Rispoli2022-04-25

    Inside every organization there exists a natural tension between design and development. In healthy organizations this tension produces magic results. These are interfaces that delight and win awards. Interfaces that leave you awe struck.

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  • Selling The Cure Has Nothing To Do With Implementation

    By: Michael Rispoli2022-04-21

    In 2019 my co-founder Justin and I pitched 40 prospects, of which we lost every single sale. Fast forward to today where in the last 12 months we've pitched 13 clients and closed all 13 deals. What changed?

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  • Delivery Issues

    By: Michael Rispoli2022-04-20

    Last year, we had a major delivery issue. We were struggling to deliver bug-free software on time. When we got into quarter one of this year, we realized that we had to put a stop to the madness, here's how...

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  • In Defense of Developer Experience

    By: Michael Rispoli2022-04-19

    A common gripe with focusing on developer experience (dx) is that it's less important than user experience (ux). Of course what we ship to user land is the most important thing. But in my experience dx and ux tend to go hand in hand...

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  • A Tale of Three Scopes

    By: Michael Rispoli2022-04-18

    One of the hardest things to figure out while running Cause of a Kind was how to scope different engagements. The entire agency business runs of fixed scopes, but they are incredibly risky and in the long run don't help the client, but hurt them through strained relationships...

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  • What is the difference between React Native vs. Flutter?

    By: Hadi Baltagi2022-02-24

    In this episode, we explore the differences and similarities of Flutter and React Native and ask the important questions: How much better should the other framework be for you to switch? And what actually makes a framework better?

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  • Pound For Pound: The Most Valuable Profession

    By: Justin Abrams2022-02-05

    If you sit back and think for a moment: what is the most valuable profession? What is the profession that single-handedly contributes the most to the world? Most will say the big obvious ones. Physician, Clergy, Politician, Real Estate, Lawyers, Nuclear Scientist, Quantum Physicist... Let's convince you, it's a Software Engineer.

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  • Software Development for Startups Without a CTO

    By: Justin Abrams2022-02-02

    It is quite often we encounter founders and their ideas, and more often than not, we collectively determine that the idea, while terrific, has some significant complexities that are far too often, overlooked. There is always a point in the conversation, usually around the time when a founder says, "this feature doesn't feel super complicated" after they compare their idea to Uber or Instagram, or Facebook, where we unpack and ultimately reveal exactly how complicated a "simple" feature can be. Founders often times have incredible dreams and goals, but often lack the advisors or the professional background to truly understand what they are asking for from a development agency. That's where we come in.

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  • 5 Common Misconceptions for MVP Software Development

    By: Michael Rispoli2022-01-05

    CTO, Mike Rispoli joins industry commrad Alexander Benkendorf on the DiTalks Podcast. The DiTalks Episode 2 - What if a badass coder shared his true beliefs and misconceptions about the current market and how projects should really be done to be a success?

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  • How to Say Goodbye to your Dream Job, and Hello to your Dream Career

    By: Justin Abrams2022-01-01

    An important lesson I have always lived by is, "first impressions only count, if the last impression, impresses." My time to practice that wisdom is now. This is how you say goodbye to your dream job, and hello to your dream career.

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  • Can you own an NFT, of a platform displaying an NFT?

    By: Alfred Indigo2021-11-10

    There appears to currently be a small missing piece to the recent explosion of NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens) platforms. To me, it is like real estate. You can own the house, but can you also own the land?

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  • Vercel vs Netlify : Which service is best for me?

    By: Alfred Indigo2021-08-17

    Are you comparing Vercel and Netlify? Do you know what makes each service different and what is best for your needs? Let's take a quick look at both and see how they stack up for creating your static website.

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  • If you Buy Cheap you Buy Twice

    By: Justin Abrams2021-08-06

    What is the primary goal of your website? Is it to drive revenue or is it to drive traffic? These are the only possible, true goals of a website. If these are the primary goals, why would you cut corners on any part of it? Would you cut corners on your storefront? Or in your home? Maybe you would. And that's why you keep rebuying the same things over and over. "Penny Wise and Pound Foolish."

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  • Why React and React Native are the Future of Web Development

    By: Alfred Indigo2021-07-29

    In this blog post, we will talk about why React and React Native are such valuable frameworks for web development.

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  • The Art of the Private Label: Mastering Software Agencies

    By: Alfred Indigo2021-06-28

    Private labeling could be one of the smartest strategies around. A business can do this in so many ways. But Software agencies are notorious for it. Everyone is a free agent and can look high and low for another individual or an entirely separate Agency to "Private label" services.

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  • Scoping Your Big Idea: The Value of Giving a Professional Agency the Opportunity to Truly Explore

    By: Alfred Indigo2021-06-25

    Scoping your big software or app idea is so much more than just researching on google for 15 minutes to see if your idea has any competition, or making some sketches in your handy notebook or the way you envision the experience. Have you considered a truly formal scoping phase for your idea? Giving a professional agency the opportunity to truly explore the idea under NDA ( Non-Disclosure Agreement), in order to truly understand the investment, the tech requirements, the database architecture, the UX/UI, and the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) or MMP ( Minimum Marketable Product), is invaluable.

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  • The 2 Things Every Developer Needs From You Before Any Code Is Written

    By: Alfred Indigo2021-06-25

    For a software engineer, front or back-end web developer, or full-stack developer, it is absolutely critical to have 2 things complete before a developer ever even considers beginning a build. Comprehensive design phase accounting for all templates, all components, all integrations, and all database requirements. As well as, articulate bite-size task lists, broken into granular projects to ensure no missing steps.

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  • eCommerce Technology is Evolving

    By: Alfred Indigo2021-06-24

    The eCommerce technology market is a competitive one, and eCommerce businesses are constantly looking for ways to provide the best shopping experience possible. This can be tough given that big commerce platforms like Shopify have limited product customization features. However, there are still quite a few solutions available to big commerce users! The future possibilities in big commerce range from unlimited variants (think color or size) product animations, and augmented reality all looking for ways to captivate new customers and entice them to return!

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  • Thou Shalt Not Build a Website Without Content

    By: Michael Rispoli2020-10-02

    Here at COAK, we made a bold decision. Copy writing is no longer an optional service for website projects. It was a bold move, and one we did not take lightly. Though we have lost contracts over it, we are sticking to it and here's why.

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  • Listen First: 4 Ways to Maximize ROI

    By: Justin Abrams2020-03-31

    The voice of the consumer matters more than you might think...

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  • Crossing the Chasm: Cannabusiness

    By: Justin Abrams2019-07-09

    Emerging markets have one thing in common at their core. Consumer trajectory. Understanding where the consumers attention will be in the near future is the art of the go to market strategy. Developing a web experience to compliment is critical.

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  • "I dont need a website"

    By: Justin Abrams2019-07-09

    Whether you believe your business needs a website, a better website, or a revolutionary website, the common denominator is, yes, you need a website in this current marketplace. Your customer expects it, your business depends on it, and the longevity of your goals and business commitments, depends on it.

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